Welcome : Hints & Tips : Simple Security Measures for your Vehicle
Tip : Simple Security Measures for your Vehicle
Even just basic car security can dramatically reduce your chances of getting burgled.
Simple measures to prevent crime:
- Don’t leave personal items in your car on view. If you can't take your personal items with you, lock them in the boot.
- Remove Satellite Navigation devices, including the suction mounting kits, and removable radio fronts. Don't leave personal items in your glove box.
- Lock the doors, close windows and sunroofs even if the car is only left for a moment, say while paying for petrol.
- Keep your car keys safe. Do not leave them inside your car or in the ignition. Don't leave your keys in clothing or near the front door at home. Keys are often targeted as it is easier than trying to defeat the car security system.
- If possible store your car in your garage - it is safer there. Remember to lock the garage as well as the car.
- Try to park in a well-lit, open place or supervised car park good lighting and security. Avoid parking in dark spots.
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