Welcome : Hints & Tips : Simple Security Measures for the Home
Tip : Simple Security Measures for the Home
Even just basic home security can dramatically reduce your chances of getting burgled.
Most are not pre-planned; they’re committed by opportunist thieves and burglars will tend to target properties without visible signs of security, such as security lighting or alarm bell boxes.
Households are more than twice as likely to be burgled if they’ve been burgled in the previous four years.
Simple measures to prevent crime:
- Don’t leave doors and windows open or unlocked. Sounds obvious but in hot weather it is tempting to leave a window or two open. Even if you’re just popping out for a few minutes lock up behind you.
- Make your home look occupied. Use timer lights and if away ask neighbours to bring in post and open / close curtains.
- Window locks help secure windows against being forced open. On doors use deadlocks for doors as they make it harder for a thief to get out again. If you are installing new windows think about security and ensure they are to the appropriate British Standard (BS).
- Don’t leave keys near the front door where they could be removed through the letter box or window opening. Only leave spare keys outside if in a secure locked key box.
- If you live in a flat keep it secure by never ‘buzzing’ open the door for strangers or letting someone who is arriving just as you are leaving or entering the building.
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