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Tip : Extractor fan causing a stink?

Information provided by Rytons Building Products.

When Rytons’ Anthony Irwin moved house recently there was the usual list of jobs to get around to i.e. cleaning, decorating, sorting out the garden etc. However, one took priority over all the rest – locating the cause of the smell coming from the bathroom extractor fan!

Heading into the loft it did not take long to find the prime suspect – the flexible hose running from the fan was sagging! On inspection, and after being hit with a big waft of stale air, Anthony could see that the sagging had caused condensation to form inside the hose which had then become trapped by the ribs, turning into a layer of mould.

Luckily this is a problem easily rectified by simply replacing the flexible hose with rigid ducting. Rytons has a wide range of rigid ducting and components, available at selected Mica stores, and in this instance, Anthony chose to install bends and rigid ducting to extract across his loft and out through the same point at the gable end. Since installing rigid ducting Anthony has noticed the extractor fan is performing better, it is much quieter and the only smell is shower fresh!

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